Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Republican Victory: Senate Passes Abortion Bill

On Friday, July 12, 2013, the Texas Senate successfully passed a strict new abortion bill.  This marked a key victory for Republicans who failed to pass the bill last month after losing momentum due to a lengthy filibuster and large protests.  This abortion legislation drew national attention when protesters had items such as tampons and food confiscated for fears they would toss them on the Senate floor. San Antonio Express-News writer David Rauf provides strong perspective on the dynamics involved with the bill.  For instance, Democrats tried to use a multitude of amendments to complicate the bill.  Republicans dismissed these proposals including Sen. Carlos Uresti’s proposal that attempted to exempt rape and incest victims from the 20-week ban the bill enforces.  Sen. John Whitmire took particular issue with the Republicans dismissive actions implying that they were letting political ties overshadow creating the best possible legislation.  Now that the bill has passed the Senate, it will go to Gov. Rick Perry who intends to sign it into law.  Overall, I believe this article is worth reading because it provides important perspective on the new abortion bill, and it illustrates the complexities of pushing legislation through the Texas government.

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